HIV Health Service Planning Council

Quality Statement

The mission of the Fort Lauderdale/Broward County EMA CQM Program is to ensure access to a high-quality, comprehensive system of HIV services, to improve health outcomes for people with HIV in Broward County.

The CQM program systematically monitors, evaluates, and continuously improves the quality of HIV services offered, achieving this through the following actions:

  • Ensuring services align with the latest HHS Clinical Guidelines for HIV/AIDS treatment and related opportunistic infections.
  • Developing strategies to improve access to and the quality of HIV services.
  • Monitoring service quality using the HIV Care Continuum, HAB performance measures, HHS indicators, and local outcomes.
  • Implementing continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategies to enhance retention in care, adherence to treatment, and viral suppression.
  • Using client-level demographic, clinical, and utilization data to identify areas for improvement in clinical processes and health outcomes.
  • Providing technical assistance to all service providers to support the creation, implementation, and evaluation of quality management practices.