HIV Health Service Planning Council

Committees Help the HIVPC Achieve its Mission

This Committee consists of Chairs and Vice-Chairs and develops the Planning Council agenda and oversees Committees’ work.

This Committee ensures Council membership reflects the demographics of the HIV epidemic in Broward County.

This Committee establishes priority service categories and recommends and reviews Ryan White Part A funding & expenditures.

This Committee develops client & system outcomes & indicators.

This Committee identifies gaps in care and develops recommendations for improvement.

The Community Empowerment Committee (CEC) The CEC encourages the participation of PWH and individuals who support and advocate for people with HIV in the Broward community in the planning, priority-setting, and resource allocation processes. It also conducts outreach and educates community members on topics related to HIV and the Ryan White Part A Program.

An Ad-Hoc committee of the Council does not require a standing membership and may meet on a periodic but not regular schedule. The continuing ad-Hoc committees are the ad-Hoc Nominating Committee and the ad-Hoc By-Laws / Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Committee. The Council may establish other ad-Hoc Committees as necessary.

Creates a seamless continuum of services for those at risk for and infected with HIV

What is HIV Prevention & Care Integrated Planning?

State of Florida HIV Prevention & Care Integrated Plan 2022-2026

Broward County HIV Prevention & Care Integrated Plan 2022-2026